About us
Our Mission and Vision
Addis Mutual Aid Association (Addis Edir)
Addis Edir is established in January 2023 by volunteer Ethiopians residing in the state of Georgia.
The Association aims to provide a mechanism by which grieving families can receive support following the death of a family member, as well as assisting with necessary information regarding documentations to make transitions. The Association further coordinates mechanisms to help and assist in their emotional and financial burdens. Such kind of Mutual Assistance Association is traditionally known as ‘EDIR” by the Ethiopian Communities.
The Association is not affiliated with any religious or political organizations and does not advocate on behalf of any race, place of origin or ethnicity. The Association is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Georgia.
The Objective
- To provide financial help for funeral services and transporting the body of a member of Addis Edir to a final resting place.
- To inform the members of Addis Edir about a member’s death.
- To Coordinate the tasks associated with the funeral service or for transporting the body of a deceased member to a final resting place.
- To encourage members to be present in mourning and console a deceased’s surviving family members.
- The association may include other objectives as need arises.
የአድራችን ኣላማዎች
- የእድር አባል ወይም የአባል ቤተሰብ በሞት ሲለይ ለቀብር ስነ – ስርዓት ማስፈጸሚያ ወይም ለአስከሬን መላኪያ የሚሆን የገንዘብ እርዳታ ለማድረግ፣
- አባል ወይም የአባል ቤተሰብ ሲሞት የእድሩ አባላት ለቅሶ እንዲደርሱና እንዲያስተዛዝኑ፣ መረጃ ማዳረስና ማስተባበር፣
- አባላት የሟችን ቤተሰብ እንዲይጽናኑና በሚይስፈልገው ነገር ሁሉ እዲተባበሩ ማድረግ፣
- ለቀብር አፈጻጸም ወይም ለአስከሬን ማጓጓዝ የሚያስፈልጉ መረጃዎችን ለሟች ቤተሰብ መስጠት፣
- የማህበሩ አባላት ሌሎች ጊዜያዊ ችግሮች ሲገጥሙም ሆነ በደስታ ጊዜ ተካፋይ በመሆን ተሳትፎ ያደርጋል፤
- ለወደፊት ለአባላት ጥቅም ያስገኛል ብሎ የሚያምንበትን ማንኛውንም ዓላማ እንዳስፈላጊነቱ መጨመር